Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Whaddya Know? 25 Years.

So today's my birthday. Twenty-five years.

You know, I've never been one to celebrate holidays or occasions or such. Sure, I love being with my family and eating a huge dinner and stuff, but for some reason, I almost always get down on birthdays and New Years.

It's 54 minutes in (I actually wasn't born until 7:37 a.m. on a Sunday morning), but I don't feel any depression or anything like that.

Maybe this is one of those reflection times in my life. I'm nearly finished with school, I've further solidified my dreams of becoming a journalist and am taking big strides towards joining the professional ranks.

I have some true people that care about me without qualification. I have people that I would call friends.

I had a weird realization about myself this weekend. On Saturday night, I went with Will (my best friend of more than ten years), his little brother Justin (junior here @ State) and their friend Josh to play basketball with Manny, LJ, Kris and some other people on the home floor of Trinity University.

Well, as in nearly any basketball game, tempers flared up on a foul between Kris and Will. Some shoving and some breaking it up, but no punches thrown or anything like that. Well, in years past, something like that might have set me off and put me in a situation I wouldn't have enjoyed (namely, having my ass handed to me).

As we were driving home, Will kept telling me how surprised he was that I was totally cool during the whole thing (on the second wind of the near-fracas, I just grabbed Will and calmed him down) and how much I have changed in that sense.

I really owe that to one special person. She knows who she is and what she's done to help me with that.

Oh, I still get steamed and nuts. While cleaning out the office e-mail accounts, I came across some e-mail that set me off earlier this semester about coverage (or in this professor's case, lack of) in my section.

Had I not had a class in the middle of all this, I would have walked to that professor's office (or even class if he had one at the time) and told him exactly what I thought of his e-mail in vulgar, verbally violent terms.

Instead, after cooling down and talking with some people, I simply sent a scathing, biting e-mail that called him on his hypocrisy. That issue may come to a head sometime this semester, and to tell you the truth, I can't wait.

Anyway, this is my moment of zen for the night. Maybe I'll have something more later on today.

BTW, I still have yet to recieve any kind of correspondence from Ms. Anita Miller (the blog post prior to this one) about the problems in our competititor's stories.

That sucks. I really wanted a dialogue on that one.


Blogger Sean said...

Happy birthday Joe. In fact, happy everyday.

Wednesday, 03 August, 2005  
Blogger Manuel Salgado said...

Lachino, do you remember the one time you wanted to kill me because I made fun of you eating the cake?

Way to control your anger, bub!

Hope your birthday was a good one!

Friday, 05 August, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your not suppose to feel depressed @ age 25. Give it more time. LOL

Friday, 07 October, 2005  

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